Reference Check

For various reasons, not all CSFA certified individuals appear on the CSFA Certified List.

If you are checking the references of someone claiming to be CSFA certified, we will need to receive the following from you:

1. Request letter on official company/organization letterhead.

2. Explanation why the reference check is being conducted.

3. Your email address and phone number.

Once we receive your request, we will contact the CSFA and obtain their approval to provide you with the information. This process can be expeditied if the request comes from the CSFA themselves.

Please mail all requests to:

CyberSecurity Institute
ATTN: CSFA Reference Checks
14751 N. Kelsey St. Suite 105
PMB 162
Monroe, WA. 98272-1353


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AUG 2 - 4, 2024