Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of ID do I need to bring the day of the exam?
You will need to provide two pieces of ID, one being a picture ID. This information is also in the CSFA Certification Exam Application and Agreement.

Acceptable forms of ID: U.S. Passport; Driver's license or ID card issued by a state, provided It contains a photograph; ID card issued by federal, state, or local Government agencies or entities provided it contains a photograph; School ID card with photograph; Voters registration card; U.S. Military card or draft record; Military dependent's ID card; U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card; Native American tribal document; U.S. social security card; Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the United States bearing an official seal; School record or report card; Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State.

Q: Will I be able to talk to other candidates during the exam?
While in the exam room no, unless with a proctor. Candidates are encouraged to talk to one another during breaks, lunch, and before/after the daily sessions. In the real world, a forensic analyst draws upon the expertise and knowledge of other professionals. Another candidate is not allowed to sit at or access your forensic workstation. Each candidate will have a different scenario.

Q: Will I have Internet access during the exam?
Yes. Internet access will be provided via a group of computers setup expressly for this purpose.

Q: Doesn't allowing Internet access encourage cheating?
We do not believe so. Exam scenarios are updated on a regular basis, and each candidate will have a different scenario. Uploading or otherwise sending the forensic image files will be grounds for termination of the candidate's exam and expulsion from the testing center. Candidates are allowed to communicate information and questions regarding their specific scenario to their associates, as they normally would when conducting forensic analysis.

Q: Do I have to stay for the entire three days?
No. Turning in your analysis report will be the end of your test.

Q: Will all testing candidates be working on the same scenario?
No. There are multiple scenarios.

Q: I would like to use software that is not on the list of what will be provided. Is this possible?
Yes. Contact us with your requirements. We will make sure that you have the proper configuration.

Q: How does the CSFA certification compare to the other digital forensic certifications available?
The CSFA is an advanced certification, and does not take the place of the other certifications currently available. We feel (as do those having taken the exam) that the CSFA is a thorough, comprehensive and accurate test of a digital forensic analyst's capabilities and knowledge.

Q: Can I submit a photocopy of my FBI report?
The original report(s) and fingerprint cards must be attached to your CSFA exam agreement. Photocopies of the fingerprint card and/or the written report from the FBI are not acceptable.

Q: Do I have to stay each day until 7:00 PM? This is too long of a day for me.
You do not have to stay each day until 7:00 PM. Understand however that once you leave for the day you cannot return to the testing center again that same day.

Q: Are cell phones allowed during the test?
Yes. They should be put on the vibrate setting.

Q: What if a situation arises that is not covered in the exam rules?
Personnel will be present to deal with these situations on a case by case basis.

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AUG 2 - 4, 2024